How To Build Healthy Culture In the Midst Of Heated Debate

As a leader, your role in building a healthy culture is never more crucial than when entering heated waters. Let’s face it; when there are no contentious issues on the table, it’s relatively easy to forge an atmosphere of collegiality and even warmth. But when the stakes are high, when issues of vital importance are…

Are You Absolutely Sure You’re Leading The Right Team?

Every leader leads two teams; there’s the team you inherited, and there’s the team you built. This key truth has been one of the most important lessons I’ve ever learned with respect to team leadership. The team you inherited were already in place before you showed up. They had been assembled by your predecessor, and…

Have You Ever Been Tempted To Try These Leadership Shortcuts?

When they hit a slump, effective leaders will fight their way through, when others are simply looking for a shortcut. Slumps can hit any leader, at any time.  – The wins just aren’t happening, – The plan just isn’t coming together, – The team just isn’t responding, When that happens there can be a great…

3 Proven Indicators You Are Growing as a Leader

Can you actually determine if you are growing as a leader? Absolutely. In fact, recognizing your progress is not only possible, it’s imperative. Imagine if you could somehow really tell if all the leadership books you are reading and the seminars you are attending are paying off. Without a reliable set of indicators to gauge…

If Authenticity Matters To You, This Is Why You Must Avoid Exaggeration

As a leader you must certainly project optimism. But when you cross the line into exaggeration or hyperbole, your leadership is facing significant risks. A leader in my orbit once described a very average meeting we had been in as “Quite possibly our best meeting ever!” The statement was so over-the-top, and so removed from…