How To Avoid The Perils Of “Watch Me Swim” Leadership

Have you ever encountered a “Watch Me Swim” leader? This is the person who insists on letting you know about every accomplishment they’ve achieved, no matter how small or insignificant. The attitude is very similar to the child splashing around the swimming pool, desperate for the grown-ups to notice their aquatic abilities. For children in…

3 Times When Saying, “I Don’t Know” Is A Terrible Leadership Response

When a leader responds to a question by saying, “I don’t know”, it can reveal transparency and authenticity. But sometimes, “I don’t know” is the very worst thing you could say as a leader. Increasingly, leaders are being coached that “It’s okay to say ‘I don’t know’”. This is a largely positive trend and, in…

5 Easy Steps to Becoming an Inauthentic Communicator

Authenticity is one of the most important lenses through which your congregation filters what happens when you communicate. But actually being authentic in your communication isn’t always easy. It requires the effort and discipline to be yourself. On the other hand, being inauthentic when you communicate is actually…