10 Indicators Your Leadership Stock Is On the Rise

The influence of your leadership, like the value of a publicly traded stock, is either going up, or it’s going down. There are no flat lines when it comes to your leadership stock. When your stock is rising you are able to cast stronger visions, create more effective strategies, create healthier cultures and build more cohesive…

How To Scoop Up Momentum In Ice Cream Seasons

There’s a huge difference between generating momentum, and simply enjoying momentum. And leaders must understand that these two different types of seasons require different types of leadership. That’s a lesson I learned in my days as a younger leader, serving as the chair person of a non-profit organization. During a board meeting, as we reviewed…

How to Seize Moments of Truth that Elevate Your Leadership

A moment of truth takes the form of opportunities to do the right thing, over doing the easy thing. Leadership is a role that must be re-established every day, by passing through a series of “moments of truth”. The key is to recognize those moments when they come along. One morning my first moment of…

How To Go From Control Freak to Results Freak

If you can’t resist the urge to control every detail of every plan, you will be the single greatest lid on your team’s potential. Leaders who feel the need to personally involve themselves in the minutia of the team’s operation rarely call themselves a “control freak”, but without realizing it, their need to control is impeding…