Why “Seekers” Make the Best Leaders

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In Christian leadership circles, we have organized a spiritual progression that starts with “seekers” (those far from God, but who are on a quest to find Him), moves to and through a first-time decision for Christ, and progresses on toward spiritual maturity.

Christian leadership is to be found among those who have progressed furthest along that continuum.

tracksFor 2011, my personal goal is to turn that paradigm upside down in my own life and leadership. I want to maximize my leadership by becoming a radical “seeker-leader”.

And I’m challenging you to join me.

What has driven me to this place has been getting smacked recently by verses such as Psalm 9:10:

Those who know your name trust in you,
for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

When David speaks of “those who seek you” he is not talking about “those far from God”. He’s talking about those who know God’s name and who trust Him.

That’s seeker-leadership.

How do you grow as a “seeker-leader”? Here are four ways…

1. Focus not only on what you need to accomplish, but more so on who you need to become.

Seeker-leaders place an unusually high priority on becoming more and more like Christ.

2. Focus not only on growing the organization, but more so on growing the Kingdom.

Seeker-leaders seek first “the Kingdom of God”.

3. Focus not only on developing skills and strategies, but more so on developing spiritual disciplines.

Seeker-leaders understand and embrace what Eugene Peterson calls “a long obedience in the same direction”.

4. Focus not only on a relentless pace, but more so on waiting and listening.

Seeker-leaders know when to slow down and simply listen for God’s still small voice.

For me, I want 2011 to be the year when I grow more and more as a seeker-leader.

  • How do you strive to grow as a seeker-leader?

What would you add to this list?

the author

Scott Cochrane

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